Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Effe: In Bavaria's is uncomfortable

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Munich - Bayern win at Leverkusen's sporting director Rudi Voeller, in Munich is "Ruuudi" take over from manager Uli Hoeness, move up to the end of 2009 the Supervisory Board, CEO and president is.
In the Sunday Express upheld Bayer's CEO Wolfgang Holzhäuser interest: "I have a very good relationship with Rudy. He has informed me before and after the talks with Bayern. "
Hoeness only says: "The fact remains that we are commenting in public no name." Nations themselves would also like to say nothing of the topic. That wooden houses is flexing the muscles. "The Bavarians can save themselves a phone call from us in terms of nations," he said, "I do not think that is such a call. Rudy feels comfortable with us. He appreciates the freedoms he gets from me in Leverkusen expressly granted. "
Premiere Expert and former Bayern star Stefan Effenberg said: "Rudy has left his mark in Leverkusen. He's doing a great job. However, he has quietly in Leverkusen and cozy. You'll never have you in Munich! That is a different world. But no matter: Rudi is top. Nevertheless, I hope that there is still not verified. He will steer one way or another always the destiny of the club with more. I think this office should be shared between two or three people, but you can not accomplish it all - unless you're an icon like Hoeness. "
Effenberg and himself - he can imagine himself a job as Bayern manager? The ex-national player: watching "You have to what happens in the next few years. Eventually, the attraction will be there. It is supposed to never say never. "

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Madman Fortuna fan came with Tiger Tanga and toilet brush

It is the slanting Casting, Düsseldorf has ever seen! One appeared in Tiger Tanga and toilet brush on, other than male belly dancers. And they all want one thing: to go on tour with DJ BoBo!
"Germany's next show stars" is the ProSieben show, on Monday for the first open casting in Lofthaus held in brushwood. In the celebrity jury: DJ BoBo, Elton and Verona Pooth (again) with long hair. "Verona brings glamor to the show, the Elton and I do not have," said BoBo.
In the spring of 2010 he went on a European tour, but he is looking for exceptional talent: dancers, singers, acrobats, jugglers - whatever! The chance for Fortuna Dusseldorf most craziest fan: Puma (Dirk Meier West) came in tight thong. "I've only dressed for Verona."
Even at 7.30 clock he was pals with Super Ingo outside the door. "We show a symbiosis of eroticism, song and dance." Satte eleven hours, he had to. Wait As soon as the gig was over, Elton threw the two out. His comment: "Is probably not your day ..." Puma "But Verona and DJ BoBo found us great. We were so different! "Found also Gina-Lisa Lohfink, a former candidate of Germany's next top model, which filmed here for their internet broadcast" Gina's World ":" Funny types ... "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wild Fortuna continue ballert

Rossbach - "Let Me Entertain You" by Robbie Williams squeaked half an hour before kick-off through the stadium in the Au "SV Rossbach. Yet for the entertainment only took Fortuna. Even in the fifth Test match, the Düsseldorf kept their perfect record, won the first serious stocktaking at the Oberliga side 4-0.
Thus Fortune Baller men increased their test match-goal difference at 49:1. "The troupe has played very committed, the result would have been even higher can fail," said satisfied coach Norbert Meier.
It was the captain against the Fünftligisten Lumpi Lambertz, which increased to keep dusting (16.), Captain Axel Lawarée to pause at 3:0 (24., 45.). The biggest Aufreger before 400 spectators in the Westerwald rainy but it was five minutes before.
Rudelbildung! Starting point: a scuffle between Fortuna Hotspur Olivier Caillas Rossbach and Sascha Wazlawyk. "He kicked me very nasty to the bone. This has seen but everyone, "bleated Caillas. But referee Bekim Kollcaku knew no mercy, showed two red
In the 2nd Through dominated Fortuna continue - for the second guard set accents. Under the eyes of Fortuna icon Gerd Zewe ( "I wanted the troops sure we'll see live") marked the Altenbeck 4-0 late on. "I think we are on it quite well," said Christian Erwig attacker, whose parents, Andrea and Jürgen had traveled an extra 180 kilometers from Reken to push their Filius their fingers.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Grandma's money away

Aachen - Attention, grandchildren! A seven year old boy has snagged with debit card of his grandmother $ 500 and almost half of them distributed to playmates. His excuse: "I wanted to do only what Grandma always does well."
That adults have an educational role models, is clear. But at last Max P. (name) from Aachen, was the "learning curve" backfires. The Seven frequently visited his grandma (80), accompanied her to withdraw during everyday transactions such as money or shopping. What Grandma did not realize, however: On his last visit Max EC mopste their card and ran to the nearest ATM. He wanted to imitate them.
The PIN number he had noted earlier. So he inserted the card, tapping with his fingers the number-code - and prompt the machine spat out the bills! "This was followed by four other experiments, was lifted up to the limit amount of $ 500 within one hour," said Paul Kemen by the police in Aachen.
Just something to do with so much money? Max bought sweets. But it was left so much money that he pressed two playmates prompt 240 euros in my hand. The boys proved to be well educated in the evening and told their parents. In turn, immediately called the police. The case was quickly resolved.
For a more family gatherings Max was then taken to task. "He apologized sincerely, cracked his piggy bank and gave the grandmother the missing money," said Kemen. "Their relationship is not disturbed, however. You have to love anyway. "When asked why he had done so, he replied that he also like the grandma wanted to withdraw money shopping. And when Grandma gave money to other people who were always so cheerful. He also wanted.