Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ümit play with again!

Cologne - a sensation on Friday in the final training session: Ümit Özat (32) to play football again!
The ex-captain who had his career because of the after-effects of myocardial inflammation quit "and now as an assistant coach Christoph Daum is on the side, pulled in the final training game the first time on the bodice.
Umit's cross, was glad and motzte how to best of times, when a player headed the ball across the goal. The "büyuk kaptan" back on the pitch - then Özat boarded the team bus to Hoffenheim. But of course, in his role as assistant coach ...
More info about: Ümit first initiated the training> Ümit's first day as co-coaches> Umit's assistant Daum>

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Manuel had to die Why?

Düsseldorf / Solingen - He was only 20 years old and died on the tracks of the S-Bahn at Wehrhahn: The young Manuel Solinger Köckert fell between the train and the platform, was dragged and dragged under the train.
The death drama in the Indian-shocked crowds on 15 February, the foolish Dusseldorf. Manuel's mother and brother did not believe in an accident.
Manuel was Metallbauer trainee and this Thursday in the vocational college in Ratingen. "The lessons were at 11.11 clock to an end, and the students are all drawn to the town hall," says his mother, Eva Köckert (49). "Of course the boys have since been drinking alcohol and made himself About 14.30 clock by train on the way home."
On their way to Solingen and Manuel had to change trains three classmates at Wehrhahn. Then the drama happened: The 20-year-old fell from the platform to the tracks before the train.
"I wanted to own a carnival celebration at 19.30 clock as a police officer rang my doorbell and said," I have bad news, "says the mother. "It showed me that my boy had fallen under the train and killed in an accident."
Manuel's older brother, Matthias (22) was dominated by that date from the question: "What is really happening there?" He says: "I was looking the other three boys and two times also found. They told me only: "Everything has gone so fast - we have seen nothing."
Through a lawyer, the family feared the interrogation transcripts - and was quite amazed about the fact that Manuel's pals were there testified quite differently.
Someone had given: "The people were standing quite close to the platform edge - Manuel before them. And then he fell at once on the track. I have not seen, as he tried to pull back - but then came the train. "
The contradictions in the statements made Matthias even more suspicious: "I now think that the guys have gerangelt on the platform and has enabled some of them Manuel a push." His mother thinks, "probably have subsequently arranged three, none of it erzählen. "
Since the platform was full of people, hoping her mother and brother of the dead now that the report still witnesses. "We just want to have clarity about what happened," says Eva Köckert. "Only when we know we can finally conclude with Manuel's death."
Witnesses are asked to report to the police in Duesseldorf 0211/8700 or e-mail to the Express by duesseldorf@express.de too.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lufthansa's collective bargaining burst

Frankfurt / Main - derLufthansa and collective bargaining between the trade union Verdi have broken down. This teilteneine with Speaker of the company and the union on Donnerstagin Frankfurt.
According ver.di is being launched on Monday a strike ballot over einenStreik. Thus possibly threatening derFerienzeit still in labor disputes, the führenkönnten massive flight cancellations caused!
   Lufthansa had recently offered to raise the salaries of the approximately 50.000Beschäftigten on the ground and in the cabin in two steps uminsgesamt to 6.7 percent. In addition, once-percent would be paid one years salary. The term of the contract soll21 months maximum until the end of February 2010. verdi other hand, had demanded more money knappzehn percent in one years duration.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tax contradict at once!

Hanover --
This ruling is amazing, and gives us hope millions of taxpayers: the "Soli" might be unconstitutional. The first time a German court ruled. The Federal Court should follow the text, wave whopping repayments.
Who decided?
Judges of the Lower Georgia Gascard Finanzgerichtsordnung in Hanover. It lays out the case to the SNB. The supreme court would decide 2010th
What is the justification?
The motive for supporting the introduction of the solidarity surcharge in 1991, the costs of reunification, the court. It is, however, have acted a long-term needs. An additional levy as the solos, but should cover only "temporary demand peaks.
How much money is at stake?
Each year the federal government collects about 12 billion euros. Since 1998, the solo is 5.5% on the income, capital income and corporate tax. The content of each makes up for several hundred euros per year. The plaintiff, a 37-year-old employee of the district of Osnabrück, was about a thousand euros.
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Banker now wants 4.5 million euros

London --
She's young, she looks very good, she has a great job, first class is paid. But they must therefore all be killed?
Jordan Wimmer, 29, from London will decide for themselves: Do I not. It raises its 600,000-euro job out as a marketing manager of a park bench.
And now suing the boss, who called her again and again "dumb blonde" and was insistent on a business ...
Money, sex and bullying. Equivalent of 4.5 million euros damages will Wimmer by Mark Lowe, the head of an estimated investment company, whose personal fortune of over 100 million euro. Their reasoning:
Lowe (59) it had not only insulted constantly, but compelled to visit with business partners, the strip show in the "Crazy Horse" in Paris and then - as they struggled - even a killer set on them. She had then called the police.
Jordan Wimmer was able to, so she remembers to endure the work only with medicines taken for anxiety and depression. And when her boss nor a Russian prostitute brought to the office, the "SZ", they gave up in early 2009.
In the process, Lowe London, has said little so far. Only that he lived in divorce and halt had several girlfriends. That he had set a killer on his former assistant, but he vehemently denies. Lowe's attorney describes in detail that even Wimmer, the jet-set life of the hedge fund bankers certainly enjoyed. Mitfeierte at parties in New York and Hong Kong. And, says Lowe, himself, was before the visit to the "Crazy Horse" they "were very upset."
How much "fun" her but in an industry whose "sexualization" British equality organizations complain really made is unclear. When the Canadian-born really gets € 4.5 million, this would presumably new record. Until now, women were awarded in similar cases, more than 1.6 million.