Sunday, March 28, 2010

Detonates rocket Reus also on Riederwald?

Moenchengladbach --
With Marco Reus's running. Since the 20-year-old stands in the starting lineup Borussia who have overcome their foals losing streak.
For three games, they are unbeaten. On Saturday, they want to expand their mini-series in Frankfurt. Detonates rocket Reus also on Riederwald?
"We need to do the same as in recent games: compact stand to let the enemy no spaces and are looking forward our chances," said the winger. "If we can unravel, is also in Frankfurt, something in it. We do not go there to watch us the city. We want to win at Eintracht. "
With the whirlwind of Reus. "There is no reason to remove it. Marco can do with his skill and his ball security has always been something surprising, "said coach Michael Frontzeck. Added sports director Max Eberl: "He's a tremendous talent with enormous potential."
Reus on the praise: "I am delighted. There is motivation to pass gas to continually improve myself and make sure that I stay in the team. I realize that I am safe from game to game and get more confidence. "
Also the hammer program to the winter break gives him no headaches. Reus: "We showed against top teams like Wolfsburg or HSV, that we can compete. Route, we were even better, why should we have before the next task afraid? "

Monday, March 22, 2010

How celebrities celebrate New Year's Eve Bonner

Bonn - Cheers, New Year: To celebrate our Bonner celebrities of the year 2007/2008: Comedian Mark Maria Profitlich ( "Mensch Markus"): "It goes out to Switzerland to ski. But I leave my wife and two daughters, make sure the slopes. Skiing is not my sport. "
Comedian Konrad Beikircher: "Christmas and New Year, this time as my soul. Christmas in Italy and New Year simmer in Bonn - dat is not perfect. "Court president Kurt Pillmann:" New Year's Eve, I am with my wife at the Pantheon Theater, and we enjoy the Year in Review - we had no desire to stay at home on their televisions. "
Prince officer and lawyer Christoph Arnold is looking forward to a little rest: "We are currently renovating a house in bush village. For this reason, we look forward to some rest. We pamper ourselves with friends. "
Mayor Helmut Joisten and his wife Renate pleased especially for the new year 2008. "We are finally grandparents. Daughter Stefanie expecting their first child in June, "says Joisten. "New Year's Eve, we celebrate all together in Holland, on 2 January is then returned to Bonn in the morning so I can attend the investiture of Prince and Bonna. "
Klaus Weise, general manager: "Maybe I'm going between the years with my wife for a few days to Spain. New Year's Eve we will celebrate the New Year at the Opera. "Rainer Pause, comedian:" New Year's Eve I retire into private life completely.
Andreas Etienne, comedian: "New Year's Eve I do with my love a train through the community." Michael Muller, comedian: "I celebrate all alone: My wife Alexandra is musical singer and has a presence in Salzgitter."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Widow (72) smothered with pillows

Bonn / Windeck - burglars Guenter H. (52), the stifling widow Ursula P. († 72) in their home in Windeck-Dreisel with a pillow: Prosecutor Patrick Buthe on Thursday demanded life imprisonment for murderers.
"He's a doer, he is going for his goals over corpses." Buthe, the prosecutor for life for gas and water behind bars.
He absolutely wanted to get close to 2,000 euros, "it cost what it may." With the money the burglars, who lives in the same village (600 inhabitants) wanted to pay his rent arrears.
His family of five threatened by the owner to be placed outside the door. "You have to do something," his wife said to him.
H. made. On the evening of the 20th January, he climbed into the family house of the widow of P.. Of bedroom and kitchen, he pilfered debit card and PIN. When Ursula P. surprised the intruder and saw a pillow pressed her H. my face. Until she moved no more.
Windeck go into even more turmoil in the account of Guenter H.? The prosecutor: "I think so. After his arrest, there was no break longer. "
Psychiatrist Professor Guenter H. Anke Rohde holds for fully culpable. Because of its debt situation, he had acted merely in fear and headless. Defender Michael Diwo (Eitorf) argued for a conviction only for manslaughter. The court will speak on Monday the verdict.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nova wants to be fit to start!

Cologne - Milivoje Novakovic (30) is back in Cologne! After three weeks of rehab in Donaustauf (Upper Palatinate), FC captain went back yesterday.
On the way he stopped in Munich with Dr Muller-Wohlfahrt, to be given a last shot in the back.
Then agonized Nova on the highway through the traffic jam and was - almost - on time at the stadium. In the 18th Minute he took with his buddy Tommy place on the rostrum, just one minutes later, Gomez took to Bavaria leadership.
 Yet Nova was "glad to be back with my boys," as he told the Express in the mid-term. The healing of the inflamed ligament to the pubic bone is going well, the season starts will be fit Nova: "I hope I can train again next week with the team easily and attack again right after the cup game."
The hope also the colleagues who had missed their captain - after the game went to his Nova guys in the cabin. It was then jointly celebrated the birthday of cult physio Dieter Trzolek.
Read also: FC Bayern spoil the Poldi-Comeback> After twelve minutes went the eternal joke>

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"I wanted to eat pretty women!"

Cottbus / Solihull - "I wanted to eat women, because they are pretty - I wanted to kill only men!" The incomprehensible words of a mere 18 years old man who stands before the District Court of Cottbus.
The indictment against Solinger states: Attempted murder out of lust for human flesh. In addition, attempted manslaughter and aggravated assault.
The quoted statements come from a police report of June 2007. The document was read before the court in Cottbus, because the defendant also did not comment on Wednesday.
Accordingly, he should have developed at the age of 15 years, violent fantasies - and then they have tried to implement.
In June '07 he allegedly attacked a 26-year-old teacher in a therapeutic home in Berlin-Karow. He tried to bite the woman in the neck, while the latter could, however, successfully defend themselves.
Two months later, the accused is said to have infringed on a home in Neuendorf (the river Dahme-Spreewald), an educator with a nail scissors. The challenged educators described similar proceeding as a witness, the former attack.
young man he had lured him into dessenZimmer. "He tore his eyes, walked up to me and hit me with his fist, in which he held a pair of nail scissors," said der37-year-old witness.
He had called for help colleagues who overpowered the assailant. Only after he had noticed that he amKopf from wounds, bleeding on the neck and shoulder. When he saw the attacker lying on the ground the pool of blood, he shouted "That's what ichwollte. Then the 18-year-old mitder tongue licked at the blood.
What makes the whole case even more uncanny: A psychiatrist testified that the boy was not noticeable after the acts, including the police described him as "quiet."
The bizarre process on 16 April continued.