Monday, June 14, 2010

Best yoga mat


In the latest periods a lot of folks have grow to be conscious in the innumerable positive aspects that this train of yoga exercise presents. This event has struck masses allover the planet. The junior plus the aged, males, women fitness freaks as well as specialists are turning towards yoga like never previous to. When this sort of significant could be the number on the yoga enthusiasts it is important that the critical facts on all of the elements with this form be provided towards the people. This article will try and concentrate on 1 these types of part of yoga exercise, the yoga pads.

thick yoga mat

The requirement from the yoga exercise mats differ with the training of yoga. There are plenty of options available for all forms of yoga exercise practitioners so that you can decide on 1 as per their own needs. The yoga mats are offered to match all styles, sizes with the system plus the several yoga exercise asanas. The expecting mothers consider up yoga exercise to make sure appear health for them as well as the child. On the other hand, for this kind of girls the choice on the thick yoga mat is very vital. Utmost attention ought to be taken previous to selecting one particular. Attempting it out primary is encouraged. The primary condition of mats for this kind of females will generally be a solid cushioning. Nonetheless, it really is helpful how the suggestion in the concerned doctor along with a skilled yoga exercise specialist ought to be seeked.

For that frequent yoga exercise users the yoga mats that happen to be firm and about an in . thicker might be ideal. Additional, 1 must take under consideration the usage plus the choices whilst acquiring the yoga mat.

The level of popularity of yoga exercise has produced it feasible to easily obtain a proper kind of mat that will be appropriate for your exercise. You are able to even shop on the internet for such mat’s as you will find a lot of internet sites that facilitate the yoga exercise mats selling and invest in around the world wide web.

Yoga exercise is a whole lot diverse compared to various other stretching exercise that you need to be doing within the health club. It is a far more enhancing expertise that rejuvenates the mind, shape as well as the soul. A yoga mat is really a requirement should you eye to obtain the highest benefits by exercising the yoga asanas.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Still ne bankruptcy - but it goes on ...

Vancouver -
They have given everything, blasted, checked, fought. National and defender Christian Ehrhoff (Vancouver Canucks smashed) with a slap shot even a Plexiglas pane.
But the German national ice hockey team at the Olympics in Vancouver can not simply win. Against Belarus, it was a bitter defeat 3:5.
The third bust in the third game - still is lost yet. In the struggle for the quarter is now against Canada, Russia, the Czech Republic or Slovakia (Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning, CET).
But the turn! It was a thrilling match: Germany 40:17 with dominant goal shots clear, but once again luck. National coach Uwe Krupp sat in the gate again at the ex-Cologne's Thomas Greiss (San Jose Sharks). And the front relieved Dennis Seidenberg (Florida Panthers), first in the sixth minute, the German Keintorhasen. His goal was the first in the Olympic tournament after the 0:2 and 0:5 defeats against Sweden and Finland.
But then again the very best opportunities were awarded. The Belarusians made it better. Ugarov (11) and Kalyuzhni (29 shot) with their results the game. Fortunately for Germany also, as Antonenko hit the post.
Krupp suffered behind the bench with his team, gesticulating - and motivated, lamented. But it runs like a thread through the last few years: the German national ice hockey team simply has no clippers, the puck reinhaut. The boy had tried often enough against Belarus. After the second third of Germany had 24 shots on goal, only eleven Belarus. Seidenberg: "This is our shortcoming, we need even more aggressive reinjagen the puck and kick it the release calls it. But the offensive was already quite good, we take the positive things with now. "
Weak, however, was the Überzahlspiel, because there were regular opportunities herausgespielt little. And if the shooters were thwarted by the goalkeeper safe Koval.
Dabnn's is curious. The Belarusians Kostitsyn pass through it to 3-1. But the Hamburg John Tripp and Marcel Goc will, within a minute the equalizer. Is it something else? No, because the German blindly throw everything forward and collect a counter. Salei true to 3:4, 3:5 Kalyuzhny increases still on. Ehrhoff, "After we had rangekämpft us, we were a little too euphoric, really wanted to win. This has taken its revenge."
With a victory against the White Russians, it would have gone against Switzerland. This would become extremely explosive, because at the edge of the games revolves around a hot rumor: The Swiss national coach Ralph Krueger is for the Ice Hockey World Cup in Germany of new German national coach. In Olympia, Krupp Krueger and go but now lost in the playoff quarterfinals of the road.
Ehrhoff, "If we play now against Canada, which would certainly be a great experience, but to Slovakia from paper I would prefer. Then we would have more of a chance. "The enemy (Canada, Russia, Czech Republic or Slovakia) decides after the next game with the Cracker Canada against the USA (night on Monday, 30/01 clock), and the games between Russia and the Czech Republic (21 clock this evening), as well as Sweden and Finland (Monday morning of 6 clock).
This year, the Olympics mode is such that even a team that has won no preliminary round, can be Olympic champions. The three first and the second best group are directly qualified for the quarterfinals. The remaining four teams will be played in a playoff on Tuesday.
How it works: After the preliminaries, a general table of all the teams created. Since the first four are on the fifth play against the Twelfth, the Sixth to the Eleventh, the Seventh to the Tenth and the Eighth to the Ninth. The winners of these games having reached the quarter-finals. Germany is the eleventh, only Latvia is worse after the first round.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A team player pushes up a gear

Bonn -
Bonn's new mayor Jürgen Nimptsch (55): Since last Thursday, he officially takes his chain of office rushes from one appointment to another, busy twittering the latest political news. Now he stopped by the editorial staff of the Bonn EXPRESS. A tight schedule during the first days ...
Yes, he admits, he had already told some that he had a "high step frequency. "But I myself feel this not so."
The Athletes
The speed of the new OB: Probably it is because Nimptsch was very athletic and is: "At 13 I started with athletics, all-around." He was then in the same club as the future Olympic champion high jumper Ulrike Meyfarth. Nimptsch proud: 1.80 meters he had done in the high jump, long jump six feet.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

The poison Summit is coming

Düsseldorf - The Knister-Britzel duel in the old forester - if fighting Union Berlin and Fortuna Saturday at the forefront of the Second Bundesliga, it is for many reasons, the "poison summit".
Unforgotten the season finale 2008th The situation was clear. If the iron (which themselves had a theoretical chance of promotion) at home and wins a victory against Oberhausen Fortuna parallel in Erfurt, then increase to the Duesseldorf.
The win at Rot-Weiss actually 4-0, but the main city dwellers went 0-3 against the clovers under - the huge Fankolonie from the North Rhine-Westphalia state capital went deep into the soul and frustrates taken back to the stop to go home.
"I can understand a little bit on the part of fans, that was pretty bitter," gives himself to Berlin's Manager Christian Beeck. "But we have not lost on purpose." Nevertheless, had to endure Düsseldorf another season in the third division.
But there were a lot more trouble. Anger at the Dusseldorfers also because Union kicker Macchambes Youinga-Mouhani Fortune Lingsaußen Olivier Caillas finished with a racism charge.
"This has hurt me danmals. I was prejudiced - and that would have nationwide - without anyone talking to me. In addition, I also had a broken leg calf being, "recalls Caillas.
"This was a difficult time for me. But it came out so that I have not done anything and everything was out of thin air. "
The 31-year-old was quoted in a DFB hearing. When it came out the Mouhani a witness had appointed, voted the "material time" 50 meters (!) Away from the action was and could have heard nothing at all - as the TV pictures proved.
His name is Kenan Sahin way, and is still mighty pissed at Fortuna Dusseldorf in because she sent away despite the current contract. Explosiveness without end that is on both sides.
 "This is a hot play," says Axel Lawaree Belgium-bombers. "All these little things are a Extramotivation."
The guests also saw the purely athletic. "We lost last season in two very tight matches against Berlin, with 0:1," admits Düsseldorf head coach Norbert Meier's kickers on their way. "We were in this league, now we have to face just such scenes as well."
The "poison summit" in Köpenick, one second division grip could not kick his ...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Injured woman rushes against the wall - children and husband

Mönchengladbach - Serious accident on the road Waldnieler: Four persons were injured either.
A 33-year-old Mönchengladbacherin drove over the direction of Hardt in direction Innenstadt.Aus not been clarified, cause she came to the bridge in the amount Duis with their black Opel Corsa left the road.
 Then the car skidded to the right and crashed into a wall, slid along it, then flung back into the left guardrail, then pushed against a tree and came after several spins on its axis on the right track to a halt.
An oncoming car was flying around the vehicle parts are easily beschädigt.Die 33-year-old Fahrzeugführerin and their children aged between eight and 12 years were admitted to hospitals with ambulances and remained there stationary. Her 33-year old's husband and co-patient was treated in a hospital.
Since the 33-year-old was drunk, she was taken from a blood sample and ensure the driver's license. The accident has also been ensured.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Meier dreams of helmet-return

Cologne - Although he was invited to Berlin, but the cup final followed Michael Meier (59) at home on TV in Dortmund, Garden City.
The FC manager allowed himself a little rest in the hot transfer period. And also a little sadness: because on the pitch he saw Patrick Helmes (25). The man's loss of FC after the rise a year ago to archrival Leverkusen. And the first FC Cologne will retrieve all times!
"Yes, the hope must have!" Said Cologne-making in the EXPRESS-conversation, "the communication with Patrick is never torn down and we know his relationship to the FC. But at this stage, nothing will. We must respect his current contract situation. Insofar as this is the co-factor for us. "
The fact that the rise of Cologne hero still hangs on his home club is beyond doubt. When Bayer professionals go to the Cologne Ring, "draws Pat" often with his old cronies at the houses.
With Thomas Kessler (23), Marvin Matip (23), Fabrice Ehret (29) and Milivoje Novakovic (30) spends much time helmet. He lives in Cologne, looks on days often pass the goat home.
Friends know: his longing for the FC is comparable to that of Lukas Podolski (23). The FC-bosses that's long been known. President Wolfgang Overath (65) stressed on several occasions (including at the annual general meeting and the banquet for the 60-year-old FC anniversary in Geißbockheim) that it was his dream when following the commitment of Poldi, the helmet-return succeed one day.
Meier worked out that it is true. But there is a problem. EXPRESS learned: Although helmet has a get-out clause with prescribed transfer fee in his current contract until 2013 - but that is to tilt this "pain threshold" (Bayer-Sport boss Rudi Voeller) transfer fee required in the double digits for the FC is not affordable! Meier: "This is our number one number too big."
For not, however, Stuttgart. VfB could helmet after the sale of Mario Gomez (now changed for the record sum of € 30 million to Bayern afford). But Meier, who had already seemingly hopeless battle for stars such as Petit (32) and Pedro Geromel (23) won, not Meier if he would give up so. He has only recently extended to FC for four years - and will meet Overath desire to end his term as well. Meier: "With Poldi we had to wait too long indeed - and could not bring him back after one season ..."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Police asking for help pharmacies

Cologne --
He needed pain medication - and that could be Now Peter Paul Michalski's undoing. Because sooner or later - which goes from the police - should the criminal get the medication. It's about the prescription painkiller Tramal 100 and ibuprofen 600th
The Cologne police asked why now, the pharmacies nationwide to assist in the search for the fugitive convict.
Thus, the outbreak of Aachen expired
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Thursday 26 November:
20 Clock: When returning from an inspection trip is attacked a prison guard at the prison Außenschleuse from behind and overpowered.
20.20 Clock: Two law enforcement officials are surprised that no one will open it the lock. At the entrance sits a completely apathetic-looking colleague. The officials are sounding the alarm.
20.25 Clock: The police will arrive at the prison. The escapees have already disappeared in a taxi.
22.30 Clock: The violent criminals arrive with a second cab at Cologne's main railway station, after they have previously switched in Kerpen. Here, lost their trail.
23.10 Clock: Officials of the NRW Ministry of Justice will arrive at the prison to investigate the outbreak. At night the city center of Cologne is temporarily shut off. A massive manhunt is running.
Friday: 27 November:
13.30 Clock: A prison guard was arrested. He is suspected of having freed the prisoners.
14.00 Clock: Justice Minister Roswitha Müller-Piepenkötter (CDU) informs the public about the operations.
Afternoon: The search initially focused on and around Cologne, then to the south of Essen. The two robbers forced a 19-year-old female student, they are going to her car after dinner. On the bridge in the Ruhr area Essen Kettwig the tank is empty. The two fled on foot.
Saturday: 28 November: continuing the massive manhunt using helicopters, dogs and thermal imaging cameras. The refugees attacked an elderly couple in their house in Essen-Werden. They flee with the car of the pair and take with the husband. The man is released in a wooded area in Mulheim-Ruhr.
Evening: The police are launching a massive manhunt after the black BMW 5-series. Again, she warns against the danger of the offender. It is also triggered a so-called border investigation to prevent escape of the two criminals to Belgium or the Netherlands.
Sunday 29 November 10.15 Clock: The getaway car was discovered in a side street in Mulheim-Ruhr.
11.03 Clock: Michael Heckhoff is arrested in the immediate vicinity of a special task force.
Peter Paul Michalski is more on the run
Afternoon: A man is confused with Peter Paul Michalski, he is not arrested, however, but verify. It turns out that it was "definitely not" acts to Michalski.
Monday 30 Early morning November: Witnesses see Michalski in Mulheim an der Ruhr. In a high-rise building officials to find a special unit, a laundry bag with the two escapees.
Morning: The investigators focused their search for more evidence of Bielefeld and the surrounding areas east of Westphalia. The condemned murderer comes from 46 years old Herford, near Bielefeld. Simultaneously, the nationwide search continues for Michalski.
Evening: Witnesses tell police that they saw Michalski with a gun in Gütersloh.
Tuesday, 1 December morning: special forces snatch Michalski in Schermbeck on the Lower Rhine. He is armed when arrested. Police said no one gets hurt.
Actively sought, meanwhile, is not only in East Westphalia region, but nationwide, a police spokesman on Tuesday morning. Then comes the 46-year-old felon from Herford, near Bielefeld, had the investigation of the police after the man initially focused on the area of Bielefeld.
Late on Monday evening, a hundred police had instructions to witnesses, a terrain strip surrounded in Gutersloh. The officers searched with bloodhounds and a helicopter after the 46-year-olds. The criminal was not seen, however. Two witnesses had declared irrespective of each other, Michalski keep up with a weapon in the rural district of Gütersloher Niehorst.
Learn More
Incredible details: How was the outbreak of the scandal -
Expert: prison escape is not punishable
The police asked the public for clues to the whereabouts Michalskis. Those who believe I have seen the criminals would select the emergency number for 110th The police would "use all means available" to track down the man.
According to ZDF, the second data has offered broader prison escapee on Sunday, Michael Heckhoff the authorities as a mediator. This was confirmed by the lawyer for the 50-year-olds to the sender.
After Heckhoff example, could help to de-escalate the situation, if Michalski could have holed up with hostages of an impending arrest.
Meanwhile, more details of the flight are known. How Heckhoff the "Bild"-Zeitung described in detail, the two men bought a pistol from an employee of the prison of Aachen, with whom they had threatened a guard and a porter. So far, it was said that the two culprits had used a knife as a weapon. The key with which they opened several locked doors, they had made, according to Heckhoff in prison locksmith. The pattern to have given them a guard.
According to the report Heckhoff, according to his lawyer, has asked Michalski to confront the police, "before something worse happens."
Also of interest
Police watched from personal environment Michalski
Police appeal to Michalski
Here they arrest the wrong person

Monday, May 3, 2010

Muller manager hits back

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke in the UEFA Cup disaster in Enschede. President Schnusenberg refuge in gallows humor: "It can only get better. Because we are at rock bottom. "
 The professionals have free on the club grounds eerie silence prevails. To clock 13.37 Schalke sends out a press release.
Re: biathlon! Many fans were more likely than with the firing of coach Fred Rutten and manager Andreas Mueller. ...
Schalke's supervisory board boss in Clemens Tonnies EXPRESS interview here>
EXPRESS achieved Muller in his Schalke office. Question: How is a manager whose Rauswurf to the public only a matter of time?
Mueller, formerly Eurofighter: "The impression is misleading. I am a fighter. I will also be at the end of the season still manager at Schalke. On Monday we had a good conversation with the Supervisory Board. Fred Rutten and I have presented a clear concept. We implement change. Merciless. With the full backing. "
Muller does not act helpless, but sour. It suggests to him that "I suddenly be accused of transfers, which are one years ago."
How Großmüller, dispute, or Ze Roberto Sanchez - the coach Mirko Slomka had left. Müller: "We have created values. I scored Jones, against many odds.
Now he is national. Rafinha has multiplied its value. Westermann is a direct hit. Young stars such as New or Höwedes be hunted. They all are Schalke's future. "
Mueller, however, knows that the transition under Rutten runs harder than expected. The problem had players who were not so ready to be often done on a book: "As we recognize in winter on relentlessly. And go with the right people in the future. "
Saturday against Hertha is well again before Schalke fan riots. Müller: "I'm not afraid, I go through there. If the players to show my will, we win. This victory is very important. Especially for the fans. "
And what about the criticism from Mueller says Rudi Assauer ( "Below me, it was better"), and Slomka ( "I suffered from the Fehleinkäufen)"? Müller: "Actually I do not want to stoop down on the level.
So I say to every one sentence: Slomka has a Hamit Altintop vergrault to Bavaria - and the new arrivals left alone. Assauer has the shop here financially with expensive flops almost driven to the wall - Schalke suffered from it for years. "
Mueller alludes to people like Agali or Mpenza. Tonnies then even had to help out with personal loans in the millions, because Schalke stood before the collapse. Only under Mueller was first generated a transfer plus - and always played internationally. Müller: "I'm not going to make me broke. I cite Schalke out of there! "
More on Schalke: Schalke 1:2 threatens to bankrupt the Off> Rudi Assauer expects Schalke 04 from>

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ümit play with again!

Cologne - a sensation on Friday in the final training session: Ümit Özat (32) to play football again!
The ex-captain who had his career because of the after-effects of myocardial inflammation quit "and now as an assistant coach Christoph Daum is on the side, pulled in the final training game the first time on the bodice.
Umit's cross, was glad and motzte how to best of times, when a player headed the ball across the goal. The "büyuk kaptan" back on the pitch - then Özat boarded the team bus to Hoffenheim. But of course, in his role as assistant coach ...
More info about: Ümit first initiated the training> Ümit's first day as co-coaches> Umit's assistant Daum>

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Manuel had to die Why?

Düsseldorf / Solingen - He was only 20 years old and died on the tracks of the S-Bahn at Wehrhahn: The young Manuel Solinger Köckert fell between the train and the platform, was dragged and dragged under the train.
The death drama in the Indian-shocked crowds on 15 February, the foolish Dusseldorf. Manuel's mother and brother did not believe in an accident.
Manuel was Metallbauer trainee and this Thursday in the vocational college in Ratingen. "The lessons were at 11.11 clock to an end, and the students are all drawn to the town hall," says his mother, Eva Köckert (49). "Of course the boys have since been drinking alcohol and made himself About 14.30 clock by train on the way home."
On their way to Solingen and Manuel had to change trains three classmates at Wehrhahn. Then the drama happened: The 20-year-old fell from the platform to the tracks before the train.
"I wanted to own a carnival celebration at 19.30 clock as a police officer rang my doorbell and said," I have bad news, "says the mother. "It showed me that my boy had fallen under the train and killed in an accident."
Manuel's older brother, Matthias (22) was dominated by that date from the question: "What is really happening there?" He says: "I was looking the other three boys and two times also found. They told me only: "Everything has gone so fast - we have seen nothing."
Through a lawyer, the family feared the interrogation transcripts - and was quite amazed about the fact that Manuel's pals were there testified quite differently.
Someone had given: "The people were standing quite close to the platform edge - Manuel before them. And then he fell at once on the track. I have not seen, as he tried to pull back - but then came the train. "
The contradictions in the statements made Matthias even more suspicious: "I now think that the guys have gerangelt on the platform and has enabled some of them Manuel a push." His mother thinks, "probably have subsequently arranged three, none of it erzählen. "
Since the platform was full of people, hoping her mother and brother of the dead now that the report still witnesses. "We just want to have clarity about what happened," says Eva Köckert. "Only when we know we can finally conclude with Manuel's death."
Witnesses are asked to report to the police in Duesseldorf 0211/8700 or e-mail to the Express by too.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lufthansa's collective bargaining burst

Frankfurt / Main - derLufthansa and collective bargaining between the trade union Verdi have broken down. This teilteneine with Speaker of the company and the union on Donnerstagin Frankfurt.
According ver.di is being launched on Monday a strike ballot over einenStreik. Thus possibly threatening derFerienzeit still in labor disputes, the führenkönnten massive flight cancellations caused!
   Lufthansa had recently offered to raise the salaries of the approximately 50.000Beschäftigten on the ground and in the cabin in two steps uminsgesamt to 6.7 percent. In addition, once-percent would be paid one years salary. The term of the contract soll21 months maximum until the end of February 2010. verdi other hand, had demanded more money knappzehn percent in one years duration.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tax contradict at once!

Hanover --
This ruling is amazing, and gives us hope millions of taxpayers: the "Soli" might be unconstitutional. The first time a German court ruled. The Federal Court should follow the text, wave whopping repayments.
Who decided?
Judges of the Lower Georgia Gascard Finanzgerichtsordnung in Hanover. It lays out the case to the SNB. The supreme court would decide 2010th
What is the justification?
The motive for supporting the introduction of the solidarity surcharge in 1991, the costs of reunification, the court. It is, however, have acted a long-term needs. An additional levy as the solos, but should cover only "temporary demand peaks.
How much money is at stake?
Each year the federal government collects about 12 billion euros. Since 1998, the solo is 5.5% on the income, capital income and corporate tax. The content of each makes up for several hundred euros per year. The plaintiff, a 37-year-old employee of the district of Osnabrück, was about a thousand euros.
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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Banker now wants 4.5 million euros

London --
She's young, she looks very good, she has a great job, first class is paid. But they must therefore all be killed?
Jordan Wimmer, 29, from London will decide for themselves: Do I not. It raises its 600,000-euro job out as a marketing manager of a park bench.
And now suing the boss, who called her again and again "dumb blonde" and was insistent on a business ...
Money, sex and bullying. Equivalent of 4.5 million euros damages will Wimmer by Mark Lowe, the head of an estimated investment company, whose personal fortune of over 100 million euro. Their reasoning:
Lowe (59) it had not only insulted constantly, but compelled to visit with business partners, the strip show in the "Crazy Horse" in Paris and then - as they struggled - even a killer set on them. She had then called the police.
Jordan Wimmer was able to, so she remembers to endure the work only with medicines taken for anxiety and depression. And when her boss nor a Russian prostitute brought to the office, the "SZ", they gave up in early 2009.
In the process, Lowe London, has said little so far. Only that he lived in divorce and halt had several girlfriends. That he had set a killer on his former assistant, but he vehemently denies. Lowe's attorney describes in detail that even Wimmer, the jet-set life of the hedge fund bankers certainly enjoyed. Mitfeierte at parties in New York and Hong Kong. And, says Lowe, himself, was before the visit to the "Crazy Horse" they "were very upset."
How much "fun" her but in an industry whose "sexualization" British equality organizations complain really made is unclear. When the Canadian-born really gets € 4.5 million, this would presumably new record. Until now, women were awarded in similar cases, more than 1.6 million.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Detonates rocket Reus also on Riederwald?

Moenchengladbach --
With Marco Reus's running. Since the 20-year-old stands in the starting lineup Borussia who have overcome their foals losing streak.
For three games, they are unbeaten. On Saturday, they want to expand their mini-series in Frankfurt. Detonates rocket Reus also on Riederwald?
"We need to do the same as in recent games: compact stand to let the enemy no spaces and are looking forward our chances," said the winger. "If we can unravel, is also in Frankfurt, something in it. We do not go there to watch us the city. We want to win at Eintracht. "
With the whirlwind of Reus. "There is no reason to remove it. Marco can do with his skill and his ball security has always been something surprising, "said coach Michael Frontzeck. Added sports director Max Eberl: "He's a tremendous talent with enormous potential."
Reus on the praise: "I am delighted. There is motivation to pass gas to continually improve myself and make sure that I stay in the team. I realize that I am safe from game to game and get more confidence. "
Also the hammer program to the winter break gives him no headaches. Reus: "We showed against top teams like Wolfsburg or HSV, that we can compete. Route, we were even better, why should we have before the next task afraid? "

Monday, March 22, 2010

How celebrities celebrate New Year's Eve Bonner

Bonn - Cheers, New Year: To celebrate our Bonner celebrities of the year 2007/2008: Comedian Mark Maria Profitlich ( "Mensch Markus"): "It goes out to Switzerland to ski. But I leave my wife and two daughters, make sure the slopes. Skiing is not my sport. "
Comedian Konrad Beikircher: "Christmas and New Year, this time as my soul. Christmas in Italy and New Year simmer in Bonn - dat is not perfect. "Court president Kurt Pillmann:" New Year's Eve, I am with my wife at the Pantheon Theater, and we enjoy the Year in Review - we had no desire to stay at home on their televisions. "
Prince officer and lawyer Christoph Arnold is looking forward to a little rest: "We are currently renovating a house in bush village. For this reason, we look forward to some rest. We pamper ourselves with friends. "
Mayor Helmut Joisten and his wife Renate pleased especially for the new year 2008. "We are finally grandparents. Daughter Stefanie expecting their first child in June, "says Joisten. "New Year's Eve, we celebrate all together in Holland, on 2 January is then returned to Bonn in the morning so I can attend the investiture of Prince and Bonna. "
Klaus Weise, general manager: "Maybe I'm going between the years with my wife for a few days to Spain. New Year's Eve we will celebrate the New Year at the Opera. "Rainer Pause, comedian:" New Year's Eve I retire into private life completely.
Andreas Etienne, comedian: "New Year's Eve I do with my love a train through the community." Michael Muller, comedian: "I celebrate all alone: My wife Alexandra is musical singer and has a presence in Salzgitter."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Widow (72) smothered with pillows

Bonn / Windeck - burglars Guenter H. (52), the stifling widow Ursula P. († 72) in their home in Windeck-Dreisel with a pillow: Prosecutor Patrick Buthe on Thursday demanded life imprisonment for murderers.
"He's a doer, he is going for his goals over corpses." Buthe, the prosecutor for life for gas and water behind bars.
He absolutely wanted to get close to 2,000 euros, "it cost what it may." With the money the burglars, who lives in the same village (600 inhabitants) wanted to pay his rent arrears.
His family of five threatened by the owner to be placed outside the door. "You have to do something," his wife said to him.
H. made. On the evening of the 20th January, he climbed into the family house of the widow of P.. Of bedroom and kitchen, he pilfered debit card and PIN. When Ursula P. surprised the intruder and saw a pillow pressed her H. my face. Until she moved no more.
Windeck go into even more turmoil in the account of Guenter H.? The prosecutor: "I think so. After his arrest, there was no break longer. "
Psychiatrist Professor Guenter H. Anke Rohde holds for fully culpable. Because of its debt situation, he had acted merely in fear and headless. Defender Michael Diwo (Eitorf) argued for a conviction only for manslaughter. The court will speak on Monday the verdict.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nova wants to be fit to start!

Cologne - Milivoje Novakovic (30) is back in Cologne! After three weeks of rehab in Donaustauf (Upper Palatinate), FC captain went back yesterday.
On the way he stopped in Munich with Dr Muller-Wohlfahrt, to be given a last shot in the back.
Then agonized Nova on the highway through the traffic jam and was - almost - on time at the stadium. In the 18th Minute he took with his buddy Tommy place on the rostrum, just one minutes later, Gomez took to Bavaria leadership.
 Yet Nova was "glad to be back with my boys," as he told the Express in the mid-term. The healing of the inflamed ligament to the pubic bone is going well, the season starts will be fit Nova: "I hope I can train again next week with the team easily and attack again right after the cup game."
The hope also the colleagues who had missed their captain - after the game went to his Nova guys in the cabin. It was then jointly celebrated the birthday of cult physio Dieter Trzolek.
Read also: FC Bayern spoil the Poldi-Comeback> After twelve minutes went the eternal joke>

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"I wanted to eat pretty women!"

Cottbus / Solihull - "I wanted to eat women, because they are pretty - I wanted to kill only men!" The incomprehensible words of a mere 18 years old man who stands before the District Court of Cottbus.
The indictment against Solinger states: Attempted murder out of lust for human flesh. In addition, attempted manslaughter and aggravated assault.
The quoted statements come from a police report of June 2007. The document was read before the court in Cottbus, because the defendant also did not comment on Wednesday.
Accordingly, he should have developed at the age of 15 years, violent fantasies - and then they have tried to implement.
In June '07 he allegedly attacked a 26-year-old teacher in a therapeutic home in Berlin-Karow. He tried to bite the woman in the neck, while the latter could, however, successfully defend themselves.
Two months later, the accused is said to have infringed on a home in Neuendorf (the river Dahme-Spreewald), an educator with a nail scissors. The challenged educators described similar proceeding as a witness, the former attack.
young man he had lured him into dessenZimmer. "He tore his eyes, walked up to me and hit me with his fist, in which he held a pair of nail scissors," said der37-year-old witness.
He had called for help colleagues who overpowered the assailant. Only after he had noticed that he amKopf from wounds, bleeding on the neck and shoulder. When he saw the attacker lying on the ground the pool of blood, he shouted "That's what ichwollte. Then the 18-year-old mitder tongue licked at the blood.
What makes the whole case even more uncanny: A psychiatrist testified that the boy was not noticeable after the acts, including the police described him as "quiet."
The bizarre process on 16 April continued.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Effe: In Bavaria's is uncomfortable

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Munich - Bayern win at Leverkusen's sporting director Rudi Voeller, in Munich is "Ruuudi" take over from manager Uli Hoeness, move up to the end of 2009 the Supervisory Board, CEO and president is.
In the Sunday Express upheld Bayer's CEO Wolfgang Holzhäuser interest: "I have a very good relationship with Rudy. He has informed me before and after the talks with Bayern. "
Hoeness only says: "The fact remains that we are commenting in public no name." Nations themselves would also like to say nothing of the topic. That wooden houses is flexing the muscles. "The Bavarians can save themselves a phone call from us in terms of nations," he said, "I do not think that is such a call. Rudy feels comfortable with us. He appreciates the freedoms he gets from me in Leverkusen expressly granted. "
Premiere Expert and former Bayern star Stefan Effenberg said: "Rudy has left his mark in Leverkusen. He's doing a great job. However, he has quietly in Leverkusen and cozy. You'll never have you in Munich! That is a different world. But no matter: Rudi is top. Nevertheless, I hope that there is still not verified. He will steer one way or another always the destiny of the club with more. I think this office should be shared between two or three people, but you can not accomplish it all - unless you're an icon like Hoeness. "
Effenberg and himself - he can imagine himself a job as Bayern manager? The ex-national player: watching "You have to what happens in the next few years. Eventually, the attraction will be there. It is supposed to never say never. "

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Madman Fortuna fan came with Tiger Tanga and toilet brush

It is the slanting Casting, Düsseldorf has ever seen! One appeared in Tiger Tanga and toilet brush on, other than male belly dancers. And they all want one thing: to go on tour with DJ BoBo!
"Germany's next show stars" is the ProSieben show, on Monday for the first open casting in Lofthaus held in brushwood. In the celebrity jury: DJ BoBo, Elton and Verona Pooth (again) with long hair. "Verona brings glamor to the show, the Elton and I do not have," said BoBo.
In the spring of 2010 he went on a European tour, but he is looking for exceptional talent: dancers, singers, acrobats, jugglers - whatever! The chance for Fortuna Dusseldorf most craziest fan: Puma (Dirk Meier West) came in tight thong. "I've only dressed for Verona."
Even at 7.30 clock he was pals with Super Ingo outside the door. "We show a symbiosis of eroticism, song and dance." Satte eleven hours, he had to. Wait As soon as the gig was over, Elton threw the two out. His comment: "Is probably not your day ..." Puma "But Verona and DJ BoBo found us great. We were so different! "Found also Gina-Lisa Lohfink, a former candidate of Germany's next top model, which filmed here for their internet broadcast" Gina's World ":" Funny types ... "

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wild Fortuna continue ballert

Rossbach - "Let Me Entertain You" by Robbie Williams squeaked half an hour before kick-off through the stadium in the Au "SV Rossbach. Yet for the entertainment only took Fortuna. Even in the fifth Test match, the Düsseldorf kept their perfect record, won the first serious stocktaking at the Oberliga side 4-0.
Thus Fortune Baller men increased their test match-goal difference at 49:1. "The troupe has played very committed, the result would have been even higher can fail," said satisfied coach Norbert Meier.
It was the captain against the Fünftligisten Lumpi Lambertz, which increased to keep dusting (16.), Captain Axel Lawarée to pause at 3:0 (24., 45.). The biggest Aufreger before 400 spectators in the Westerwald rainy but it was five minutes before.
Rudelbildung! Starting point: a scuffle between Fortuna Hotspur Olivier Caillas Rossbach and Sascha Wazlawyk. "He kicked me very nasty to the bone. This has seen but everyone, "bleated Caillas. But referee Bekim Kollcaku knew no mercy, showed two red
In the 2nd Through dominated Fortuna continue - for the second guard set accents. Under the eyes of Fortuna icon Gerd Zewe ( "I wanted the troops sure we'll see live") marked the Altenbeck 4-0 late on. "I think we are on it quite well," said Christian Erwig attacker, whose parents, Andrea and Jürgen had traveled an extra 180 kilometers from Reken to push their Filius their fingers.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Grandma's money away

Aachen - Attention, grandchildren! A seven year old boy has snagged with debit card of his grandmother $ 500 and almost half of them distributed to playmates. His excuse: "I wanted to do only what Grandma always does well."
That adults have an educational role models, is clear. But at last Max P. (name) from Aachen, was the "learning curve" backfires. The Seven frequently visited his grandma (80), accompanied her to withdraw during everyday transactions such as money or shopping. What Grandma did not realize, however: On his last visit Max EC mopste their card and ran to the nearest ATM. He wanted to imitate them.
The PIN number he had noted earlier. So he inserted the card, tapping with his fingers the number-code - and prompt the machine spat out the bills! "This was followed by four other experiments, was lifted up to the limit amount of $ 500 within one hour," said Paul Kemen by the police in Aachen.
Just something to do with so much money? Max bought sweets. But it was left so much money that he pressed two playmates prompt 240 euros in my hand. The boys proved to be well educated in the evening and told their parents. In turn, immediately called the police. The case was quickly resolved.
For a more family gatherings Max was then taken to task. "He apologized sincerely, cracked his piggy bank and gave the grandmother the missing money," said Kemen. "Their relationship is not disturbed, however. You have to love anyway. "When asked why he had done so, he replied that he also like the grandma wanted to withdraw money shopping. And when Grandma gave money to other people who were always so cheerful. He also wanted.